Benefits of Ortho-K


Orthokeratology, or ortho-k for short, is a relatively new development in the world of vision solutions, but there is little doubt that is has taken the industry by storm and has transformed the options available to patients who suffer from refractive eye errors.


About Refractive Eye Errors


Refractive eye errors are visual conditions that occur because the light that enters the eye is not refracted directly onto the retina – the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye that is responsible for transmitting images to the brain via the optic nerve. This can happen for a couple of reasons. In most cases, the curvature of the cornea, which is the transparent lens over the top of the eye, is responsible for a refractive eye error. If it isn’t perfectly domed, light is not transmitted correctly. Alternatively, the eyeball may have grown too long. Whatever the cause, a refractive eye error can cause a patient to rely on corrective lenses in order to be able to see clearly.


Refractive eye errors have three forms. These are:


Myopia, also known as nearsightedness. This is when you can see objects close to your face fairly clearly, but those that are further away appear blurred.


Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness. This is where you can see distant objects clearly, but those closer to your eyes appear blurred.


Astigmatism. This condition occurs when the cornea is shaped like a football rather than a soccer ball, causing light to be refracted incorrectly and your vision to become blurred.


How Ortho-K Works


Ortho-K uses bespoke contact lenses to apply gentle pressure and reshape your cornea while you sleep. Whilst contact lenses aren’t usually recommended to be worn overnight, ortho-k lenses are designed specifically for this purpose, and to ensure that they are comfortable and keep your eyes healthy, they are made from a special gas-permeable material that allows sufficient oxygen to reach your eyes. Simply pop them in before bed and go to sleep as normal. The next day, you can remove your ortho-k lenses and enjoy clearer vision without relying on prescription glasses or contact lenses.


It is important to be aware that ortho-k requires consistent use to be fully effective. While you may notice a significant improvement in your vision after wearing the lenses for just one night, repeated use every night will enable you to reach optimal visual clarity that can last you for the duration of the day, eliminating your need for prescription eyewear.


The Benefits Of Ortho-K


Eye doctors and patients everywhere are impressed by the benefits of choosing ortho-k treatment, which include the following:


  • Suitable for a wide range of patients. Since ortho-k is entirely non-invasive, it is suitable for patients of all ages, including children as young as 7 or 8 years old. It is also a very popular choice for patients who have been found to be unsuitable for laser vision correction (such as those with a weakened cornea), and those patient who work or enjoy recreation activities that can be made difficult or impossible when you are reliant on prescription vision correction, such as swimming or ball sports.

  • A unique design just for you. No two ortho-k lenses are the same. Every patient has slightly different eyes and vision requirements and so each ortho-k lens is created based on these unique needs. This helps to ensure that the lenses are both comfortable and provide the vision correction that you need.

  • Can be used to address several visual conditions. In addition to myopia, ortho-k has also shown to be a successful treatment for hyperopia, astigmatism and even presbyopia – a condition that is characterized by the natural deterioration in our vision that occurs as we get older.

  • Brilliant results. With consistent use, it is not unreasonable for patients to enjoy a complete day of clear sight without prescription glasses or contact lenses.

  • A superior safety profile that puts the health of your eyes first.

  • The potential to slow or halt the progression of myopia and myopia-related conditions including glaucoma and macular degeneration.


Ortho-k is changing the way in which we can see the world around us. To find out more or to schedule a consultation, please contact In Focus Vision Center in Piscataway, NJ today (732) 313-2570!


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