How Neurolens Helps with Headaches

Are you having headaches all the time? Your eyes could be causing them and neurolenses may just be what you need. Spending too much time looking at your computer or phone screen can cause everything from dry eyes and neck tension to blurry vision and headaches. More than 27 percent of people have suffered headaches because of digital eyestrain.

There are treatments for the various symptoms associated with digital eyestrain. But most of these treatments, better posture, and the 20-20-20 rule only relieve the outward symptoms of digital eyestrain. What has been missing is the understanding of the main cause of digital eyestrain and ways to address the cause.

That is until neurolenses came into the picture.


What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are a groundbreaking solution for digital eye strain, headaches, and neck pain. They are prescription lenses with unique contoured prisms to align your eyes and relieve headaches and neck pain.

A contoured prism helps your eyes see better both far and near. It does this without putting pressure on the nerve that lies between your brain and eyes. This nerve is called the trigeminal nerve.


The Trigeminal Nerve

The trigeminal nerve is the nerve that connects your eyes to the brain. It is a big and complex nerve that is responsible for sensations in your eyes and face. Also, the trigeminal nerve is what helps you to bite or chew. The nerve goes all the way to the top of the spine, which means irritating the nerve can result in neck and shoulder pain too.

Too much exposure to fluorescent light, bright lights, computers, and TV irritates the trigeminal nerve. When these elements irritate the nerve, the blood vessels surrounding the brain expand and cause headaches.


How Does Neurolens Help with Headaches?

Your brain usually works together with your eyes. It keeps your eyes aligned and balanced, allowing you to see objects without problems with double vision.

But, your exposure to digital screens and devices can affect your vision. It can cause your eyes to misalign. If your eyes are skewed, they put pressure on your trigeminal nerve when you are reading, doing detailed work, or using a computer. As a result, you may feel dizzy, or experience eyestrain, headaches, and neck pain.

Neurolenses come in to correct the misalignment and help you see as clearly and comfortably as possible. Instead of your trigeminal nerve struggling to compensate for the misalignment, the contoured prisms in the neurolenses take up that task. Aside from their effectiveness in easing symptoms from digital eyestrain, neurolenses will give a clear, comfortable vision for every activity throughout the day.


Are Neurolenses Right for You?

If you spend too much time on your computer reading or working and experience eyestrain or constant headaches that do not respond to other medications, you can benefit from neurolenses. Your eye doctor can add neurolenses to your prescription. The lenses can also be turned into non-prescription glasses for people who do not have eye problems.

To know more about how neurolens helps with headaches, visit In Focus Vision Center in Piscataway, New Jersey. You can also call (732) 313-2570 to book an appointment today.

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